Experiencing better learning – learning design as a key factor

Podcast Beiträge 10.07.2024

When it comes to learning design, people often reduce it to content or connecting it with being in classroom. But there is so much more to this vast subject. The range that impacts people to respond to opportunity to build new skills, behaviors or having the opportunity for feedback and reflection is an interesting topic to look into.

In episode 114, Lars Hyland, expert for HR and workplace learning, discusses with Alexander Petsch how to enhance your organization’s learning outcomes by employing performance management processes and methods.

Learning experience and learning outcome

The first hack Lars Hyland is talking about is to look carefully at the learning outcomes you want to achieve, and to create a meaning afterwards. The term learning outcome is just a different way to say performance change or the behavioral change that you want to achieve. If you just reduce it to training courses, you are missing a lot, because the content is the important part. Content is meaningful to your audience because with that they can see how they can put it into practice, and there is the possibility for them to comment and to feedback what that experience is like.

To build out a learning experience there is a technique which is called action learning model. It brings everything...

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Lars Hyland

Managing Director EMEA

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Hannah Beisel

Werkstudentin im Bereich Podcast

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